Friday, 27 February 2015

household goods shopping

Our room here happens to be quite shabby. So we decided to do some improvements and went shopping for household goods. Our basked is sooo Korean isn't it? I mean how cute is our bear-door mat and the pink floor cleaner! 

fridge - before

fridge - after

Thursday, 26 February 2015

my first post from Seoul

I have spent a wonderful first day in Seoul and as promised I will share my adventure with you.
So far the Koreans were really helpful and friendly, when I arrived with my luggage from the bus yesterday some Korean boys were waving at me. It took me a while to realise that they meant me. But it seemed they just wanted to welcome the tall blonde stranger :) On the Campus a Korean girl helped me to find the International House where I live. With all the luggage I was happy to make it "home" at around 5 pm. Julia, my roommate from Switzerland warmly welcomed me and I was glad to see her there to not feel completely lost and sad for leaving my loves. Her name really is Julia, I'm not talking about myself if you find her name in further posts.

Yesterday we went for dinner in a Korean restaurant. The waiters didn't speak one word of English so we just ordered "Mandu". The only thing that came to my mind from my last visit in Seoul. Something really interesting here is that you would never find cutlery on the table in a restaurant. You  always have to open a drawer and help yourself with everything you need.

Today we had the opening ceremony at EWHA and a Campus tour. The absolute highlight of the day though was to finally meet my dear Korean friends again, Sue and Dellas <3 Not to forget about Sae Bom, Dellas little girl who I've never seen before. We had Teokboki for dinner and Bingsu for dessert in Gangnam. Gangnam is one amazing part of Seoul with lots of fancy restaurants, shops and bars. Only when you have been to Gangnam you understand the insanity about that Gangnam Style song. 

This is it for today. I'm going to bed now, since it's already midnight in Seoul. <3

Saturday, 7 February 2015

adventure seoul

Time's running and soon I'll be leaving for my exchange semester in the city of Seoul, South Korea.  I'll share my adventure from the other side of the world with you starting from feb 24th. Until then I'll be dealing with the obstacle "packing my wardrobe in one single suitcase", organising my visa, making travel plans, creating my schedule at university and of course spending a lot of time with my beloved ones before I finally board. <3